The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) REVIEW

Grand BudapestWell, it’s no secret anymore that Wes Anderson is one of the most profound yet anticipated directors of modern day cinema. It’s taken awhile for people to become comfortable with his eccentric style, and perhaps even it’s taken awhile for Anderson to fall comfortably into a niche that he can embody as his own. The Grand Budapest Hotel is a classic example of this, as its upward gross of 46 million dollars has already made it one of the highest grossing Anderson movies, and is expected to take over Royal Tenenbaums and Moonrise Kingdom to become the number one grossing movie in Anderson’s filmography. Although film buffs all over have recognized the unique talent that lies in Anderson’s work since the Bottle Rocket days, it’s taken until just recently for the “common movie goer” to appreciate this talent. The Grand Budapest Hotel is indeed quite grand. It features an eccentric yet mannerly concierge as the focus of the story, many detailed dollhouse sets, every sort of color you can possibly imagine, and Anderson even chose to film the majority of the movie in 1.375:1 ratio instead of widescreen. It is no doubt very Wes Anderson-y, and as of yesterday with its wide release, people all over the country are flocking to cinemas to see it. Continue reading